We operate an appointment system that offers appointments available to be booked up to 12 weeks in advance.
Same day appointments are intended for patients who feel that their problem is urgent and cannot wait for a routine appointment.
Appointments are given at 10 minute intervals. As consulting days/times vary for individual doctors please check the availability of your preferred doctor with reception when making your appointment. Nurse appointment times may vary depending on what your appointment is for. You can also make pre bookable weekend appointments with a practice nurse. Please ask at reception for more details.
Making An Appointment
To make a routine appointment, please telephone or call in during opening hours.
You may like to read the PDF ‘Common Childhood Conditions‘ with help sheets on different conditions that you may need advice on, before you ring for a Doctor’s appointment or take your child to A&E at the Children’s Hospital.
Booking Appointments Online
Online via, or via the NHS choices website
Please note that you will need to register to use this service and will be asked for evidence of your identity. You will then receive a password and user number that will enable you to book and cancel your appointments. Please contact the surgery to register.
When you have your user name and password, you can log in by clicking here: Book an appointment
If you need to make an appointment with our nurse or health care assistant please call the surgery on 0114 2686929.
Make the most of your appointment
Doctors spend an average of eight-10 minutes with each patient. Once you’ve got an appointment, plan ahead to make sure that you cover everything you want to discuss.
Before you see the doctor, write a list of problems, starting with the most important. List your symptoms so that you don’t forget them. Write down when they started and what makes them better or worse during a 24-hour period. If you have a complicated problem, ask for a longer appointment when you book.
Please Record that you have arrived
It is important that you check in at reception so they can record that you have arrived. If you feel that you have been waiting too long, please speak to the receptionist to make sure that you have not been overlooked.
Delays Due To Emergencies
Unforeseen emergencies may occasionally delay the doctor, please be understanding as such an emergency could one day involve you or your family. We will do our best to provide up to date information if the surgery is running late for any reason.
Keeping Your Appointment
Please try to keep your appointment. If you can’t please tell the receptionist in good time to enable the appointment to be given to another patient.
Finally, please remember that one 10 minute appointment is for one person only.
Evening and weekend GP practice appointments
We provide a range of NHS healthcare services on weekday evenings and at weekends.
You can book appointments for these services through your usual GP practice.
When the surgery is closed
An out of hour’s service is provided for urgent advice/visits. You may need to attend the Primary Care Centre at the Northern General Hospital.
Please listen to the message to inform you who to contact, it may be either the GP Collaborative or you can call the 111 service.
If you do not wish to book your appointment online, you can either book over the telephone on 01142686929 or visit the surgery in person.
Telephone lines open:
Mon-Fri 8.30am - 12.00pm and 2.00pm - 6.00pm (except Thurs 8.30am - 12-00pm)
Reception Opening Hours:
Mon, Tues between 8.30am – 6.00pm, Wed 7.30am - 6.00pm, Thurs 8.30am - 3.00pm, Fri 7.15am - 6.00pm.
It is the patient’s responsibility to inform the practice if they cannot make any appointment.
General information
Please book a double appointment in advance if you think your problem will need longer than 10 minutes (late overrunning appointments lead to patient dissatisfaction!).
If you are unable to keep your pre-booked appointment, please make every effort to let us know well in advance, so we can allocate your appointment to another patient.
Please be patient if the Doctor is running late - consultations can often overrun their allotted time due to the nature of the consultation.
Children will normally be seen the same day
If you are late for an appointment you may have to rebook another appointment. You still may be seen but this is up to the doctors discretion. You may be asked to wait until the end of the doctors surgery. Remember if you are late then this makes all the subsequent patient appointments run late.
If you are travelling abroad and think you may need some advice, information or travel vaccines we would require at least 6 weeks notice minimum.
We are unable to guarantee we can offer advice if you are travelling at short notice or for departures within the 6 weeks minimum requirement.
Please ask reception for any further details.
We appreciate that sometimes we do not have enough appointments for all of those who need them. Therefore every morning we have a doctor who can deal with urgent queries. We will always endeavour to see people with urgent problems on the same day.
Ringing for test results
When ringing for results, please ring after 10am