Useful Contacts
NHS 111 is the new three-digit telephone service that's being introduced to improve access to NHS urgent care services. Patients can use this number when they need medical help or advice and it's not urgent enough to call 999. NHS 111 operates 24/7, 365 days per year and is free to use from a landline and a mobile.
• Minor injuries at Royal Hallamshire Hospital 8am-8pm daily
• Walk-in Centre, Broad Lane, City Centre 8am-10pm daily. Minor illness/contraception etc
• A&E Dept. at the Northern General Hospital. Open 24hrs every day.
• A&E Dept at Children’s Hospital, Open 24hrs every day.
Phone 999 if the patient is seriously injured or too ill to wait for the GP.
Patient Information
Where do I go for clinical or disease information?
Patient UK
Designed by GPs and EMIS and is a useful source of Patient information Leaflets amongst other things.
Net Doctor
Attempts to break the language barrier between Doctors and patients regarding disease and illnesses.
Information on Healthier Living
BBC - Healthy Living
Simple, accurate advice from the BBC. Helps you to establish the dos & don’ts of living healthily.
Male Health
Fast, free independent information from the Men’s Health Forum.
Women’s Health Concern
Women"s Health Concern is a charitable organisation which aims to help educate and support women with their healthcare by providing unbiased, accurate information.
NHS Sites
Aiming to personalise healthcare and provide information that will ‘allow patients to make meaningful choices about when and where to receive their treatment.’